Meet the Founder

Hi, I’m Erica Carr

I love notebooks, Nespresso, and brand new Sharpie pens. I’m a first-born Enneagram 1 (intense, right?). I love building things, systems, efficiency, organization, and to-do lists. 

I’m a self-critic (hello, Enneagram 1). A wife. An aunt. A foster mom. A ferocious traveler. 

I hold a lot of boxes (AKA wear a lot of hats) as the Founder of bookitbox TRAVEL. I am personally involved in designing each client's travel experience, every social media post, and crafting our Inside the Box Club emails.  

And I love every part of it.


Your travel experience begins the moment you decide to work with us. 
The box is representative of the whole experience. It may seem like a small detail, but shows the standard of excellence and attention to detail that you’re going to get throughout the whole process. We want every facet of your trip to be handled for you, but we also want it to delight you. 

What’s with the box?

Check out our services

We take the boring out of planning

The box comes to your doorstep just a week or two before you leave. It has your itinerary, all the info you could possibly need, and more than a few surprises. In a world mostly lived online, we want to put something in your hands to get you excited for what’s to come.
Your out-of-the-box vacation, in a box. Consider it your pre-takeoff experience. 

and add in fun wherever possible.